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Fact 1:

Sometimes dolphins hunt in super pods with have over 1000 dolphins grouped together and if 2 pods form it is called a mega pod.

Fact 2:

If you see a slow pod of dolphins its best not to disturb them because they have just finished hunting in the night or in the morning.

Fact 3:

Only half of a dolphins brain sleeps at once because if both half fall asleep the dolphin will sink and die once one side of the brain wakes up the other half sleeps.

Fact 4:

Dolphins can be found in rivers and oceans. 

Fact 5:

Dolphins are warm blooded so they are mammals.

Fact 6:

Killer whales are a specie of dolphins.

Fact 7:

Dolphins are grey and dark grey and white on the belly to help the camouflage from predators and prey. 

Fact 8:

Dolphins use some sort of whistle called sonar to communicate with other dolphins when one of them gets lost from thee family or pod  or even when they hunt.

Fact 9:

Did you know that dolphins have 2 stomachs. 

Fact 10:

Dolphins can dive up to 1,000 feet. 

Fact 11:

Dolphins never chew food.

Fact 12:

Dolphins can live up to 50 years.

​Fact 13

They are about 40 species of dolphins.

​Fact 14:

Bottlenose dolphins are one of the most common species of dolphins.

Fact 15:

Dolphins swallow there food hole and have three chambers.

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